Shipping Policy
Hong Kong
We offer free standard shipping within Hong Kong for orders over HK$500.
For orders under HK$500, the shipping fee is HK$35.
Delivery normally takes 2-3 business days from the date of purchase.
All our orders are shipped through SF Express/Hong Kong Post.
Please note that some large items may require additional shipping fees, which would be stated in the product description. For more details, please contact
Once your order has been shipped from our warehouse, we will send a delivery confirmation with tracking number to your registered email.
For China, Macau, and Taiwan orders, we offer a flat rate of HK$100.
For Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand orders, we offer a flat rate of HK$150.
For Japan, Australia and Indonesia, we offer a flat rate of HK$200.
For other countries, we offer a flat rate of HK$250.
Please note that some large items are not available for international shipping, which would be stated in the product description.
Once your order has been shipped from our warehouse, we will send a delivery confirmation with tracking number to your registered email.
Please note that if you are purchasing products for delivery outside Hong Kong, you are responsible for ensuring the product(s) you purchase can be legally imported into the destination country and for settling directly with Local Government Authorities or Carriers any Customs Duties and/or Taxes levied as a result of importing item(s) into that Country. The recipient details provided during the purchase process will be named as the importer on the customs documentation.
Babyverse has no control over customs charges and fees as customs practices vary from country to country. Any additional charges that are incurred as a result of customs clearance levies will be borne by the recipient. Please contact your local customs office for further information.
All international orders will be shipped from Hong Kong through SF Express and delivered within 7-10 business days. Please note that there are limited international flight schedules due to COVID-19, which may result in shipping delays.