Refund and Returns
7-Day Returns Window
We offer free returns via ‘SF pay on delivery’ service. If you drop by any SF express locations , ask for a waybill sticker to fill in your contact details as the sender and our contact details below as the receiver.
Remember to select the option of ‘Pay by Receiver’ or “Pay on Delivery’ as the shipping fee payment method to receive free return shipping. If you opt for other couriers or shipping methods, it will have to be at your expense in the shipping cost of return.
We also welcome in-store return if you could drop by our office.
Free returns
For China, Macau, and Taiwan orders, we offer a flat rate of HK$100.
For Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand orders, we offer a flat rate of HK$150.
For Japan, Australia and Indonesia, we offer a flat rate of HK$200.
For other countries, we offer a flat rate of HK$250.
Please note that some large items are not available for international shipping, which would be stated in the product description.
Once your order has been shipped from our warehouse, we will send a delivery confirmation with tracking number to your registered email.
Please note that if you are purchasing products for delivery outside Hong Kong, you are responsible for ensuring the product(s) you purchase can be legally imported into the destination country and for settling directly with Local Government Authorities or Carriers any Customs Duties and/or Taxes levied as a result of importing item(s) into that Country. The recipient details provided during the purchase process will be named as the importer on the customs documentation.
Babyverse has no control over customs charges and fees as customs practices vary from country to country. Any additional charges that are incurred as a result of customs clearance levies will be borne by the recipient. Please contact your local customs office for further information.
All international orders will be shipped from Hong Kong through SF Express and delivered within 7-10 business days. Please note that there are limited international flight schedules due to COVID-19, which may result in shipping delays.
Return Address
Babyverse HK
Unit 612 6/F Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
Tel: +852 9153 6338
Office hours: 9AM-6PM, Monday to Friday
Refund Policy
After receiving the returned item, we will inspect it to confirm it is in its original selling condition. Babyverse HK will then offer a refund via Babyverse credit within 7 business days.
Return Process
If you would like to process a return with Babyverse HK, simply fill out and submit the return form below. You would be notified via email once we receive your return request. Please then proceed your return by SF express or drop-off at our office. Please also include the original invoice in the package of your return.
If you have any questions regarding the return process, feel free to email us at or call us at (+852) 2893-6021.
Return Policy
We accept returning items given that they are in the same condition as you have received. ‘New with tags’ items have to be returned with their original packaging and tags attached.
Return items that are damaged may not be accepted and may be sent back to the customers. Babyverse HK reserves the right to inspect and make the final decision on whether the returning item is in its original selling condition.
We would strongly recommend including the original invoice of the order in your returning package to avoid any confusion. Unidentified returning items may not be refunded.
Please note that sale items are not eligible for refund. We also cannot make any exceptions for late returns as sellers will be paid after the 7-day return window has passed.